Sunday 7 November 2010

The Waldrens drift dive 19th September 2010

This was the first time Dan or I had done a Waldrens drift dive, we were diving with Simon Bradburn (Southern Coastal Charters) on his boat Stormforce 2.

For the first time ever I stupidly forgot to spit in my face mask before a dive. The result was a mask that constantly kept fogging up so I was constantly flooding it to a have a clear mask.

Sadly the viz in the dive was not that good at 2~3 Metres, so it was a touchy feely dive as we floated along. Therefore the video is not as interesting as I would like and the gloom does give it that ‘sinister’ feel to it, which was not the case.

The bottom is a mix of sandy areas, reef and large boulders that are about ~2 Metres across. There is a complete mix of life from the Pollock, Bib to the very friendly Wrasse of all types.

I was rather please with the first piece of underwater video where I was able to keep Dan in the frame on the way down. It is nice to have on record a very text book safe decent procedure; we were only some 2 Metres max apart with Dan keeping his eye on me all the way down.

Dan and I went equipped with hooks for any crabs or lobsters. My ‘hook’ has a flatfish spike function so I was seriously on the prowl in the sandy areas.

Dan caught two Dogfish with his bare hands, we saw another 4 Dogfish but at some distance.

This was a very good drift dive with a constantly changing sea bottom. With a good visibility this would be a fantastic dive site. The variability of the sea bottom coupled with the large boulders, gives shelter for fish means that there is a lot of fish about. There would be even more fish to see with better visibility.

Odd that there were not as many crabs or lobsters to be seen as I would expect. Either ‘picked clean’ or because we were on a drift we did not have enough time to look down their deep hidey holes!

This dive lasted for 70 minutes and was 15 Metre deep at the beginning slowly rising during the drift.

The weather was taking a turn for the worse; we all knew that, so the trip back to shore was a bit on the bumpy side.

Or go staight to the video website use the link Waldrens drift dive 19th September 2010

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