Tuesday 2 November 2010

Diving the Boxer & Bembridge Ledges drift 1st August 2010

It has been some months since I have updated my blog. It was a combination of a lot of diving followed by a long spell of some bug or bugs giving a protracted period of man flu and a cold. This also followed me over into my holiday and stopped me diving in Cornwall.

The dive on the Boxer was interesting on two points, it was a three diver group and it was a dark dive. The darkness was due in part to the plankton and part due to the silt.

No one got lost, which was very good and also it was a good dive. A good dive mainly because we took our time looking in the nooks and crannies for the life that was there.

The video makes it look a lot darker than it really was and with the torch light it always appears darker.

I dived with Dan, my regular dive buddy, and Brendan, who we met up on Wightdiver. Normally I really don’t like threesome diving as it is so much hard work checking and keeping together. This time with Dan where we know each other underwater so well it worked.

We made our way to the base of the wreck and worked our way around and then slowly worked our way to the highest point of the wreck. Diving on a wreck in the dark means that it appears to be a totally new wreck compare to have previously dive it with good viz.

We found 5 lobsters all small and a very larger conger eel. The Bib were there and close up but the Pollock were just on the limit of visible distance away.

We dived at slack water but the tide started up as we were starting to ascend.

I think that is one of those dives that only regular and hardy Solent divers would enjoy, all other divers would just chalk it down to experience!

Or go to the link Diving the Boxer & Bembridge Ledges drift 1st August 2010

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