Monday 3 May 2010

Camswain and the Bembridge Ledges Drift 25th April 2010

Finally a chance to be back in the water!

Normally I really don’t like to dive in a threesome, but diving with Dan and Roy it was so easy. To be honest the conditions on the Camswain were not the best. There was too much muck which blanked out the sunlight. I think that was a plankton layer that killed the light, with the traditional green sea.

So credit all round for staying together and seeing the life that we did on the wreck. I stopped being a watchful diver at one point as it appears that I shouldered Roy into a bulkhead, so it is the 'naughty step' for me!

All that being said it was a good dive albeit rather dark, UK divers can handle that sort of dive.

The second dive was a drift dive over the Bembridge ledges again Dan, Roy and myself. There was a seriously low stress dive that turned into a scallop picking session. Dan and I both caught large edible crabs. Then I came across a large flat fish,a Turbot I thought at the time just lying there some 18inches to 2 foot long. I dumped air as I turned over it and got out my trusty divers knife and stabbed straight down. I got the fish but I bounced as I struck the fish and so the fish just shot away leaving me alone in a cloud of silt!!

After collecting my bearings I had lost the other two. So it was a quick follow, as best I could for a minute then I deployed the SMB and then a slow drift assent. Mind you with all the exertion of the fish stabbing, I had used up a lot of air so it was close to me having to ascend anyway.

A very good days diving and a lot of fun.

Just one incident where Rich, the Wightdiver skipper, had to manoeuvre Wightdiver to block a power boat from passing over some of our divers. Wightdiver was flying the ‘divers down’ flag and the guys had a big red SMB, but they were blind to that.

Here is the link to the video of the dive of Camswain and the Bembridge Ledges Drift

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