Sunday 16 May 2010

Camberwell and the Luis 9th May 2010

This dive was scheduled to be the U1195 & drift. Roy the skipper was not happy with the weather/sea surface over the U1195 area. In his opinion that type of sea surface would be very lumpy and the resulting diving viz very poor. So his recommendation was dive the Camberwell followed by a Drift starting at the Luis.

The viz on the Camberwell was great I would guess about 10+m. It was so good I got the camera out during the descent. Dan caught a very large lobster that put up a real fight not to go in his goody bag. Sadly it was a female with eggs so it was let go.

The other lobsters were too small. There was a very large edible crab but it was a long way down in the wreck and neither Dan nor I were interested in him. Dan and I were on air so we were dive time limited but moved to the higher parts of the wreck to increase our dive time when the bottom time got to 7 minutes left.

There was a lot of life on this wreck and other divers had fun picking up bottles!

The second dive was to be dropped off on the Luis and then drift off. Dan and I stayed on the wreck using the old hand over hand technique and the tide running kept the viz good at about 5m. Dan was again in lobster hunting mood but all the lobster were far too small to be taken.

The boat ride back to Eastney was rather rough in places, which told all the divers how rough the sea could have been. Truly excellent diving with the best viz ever for a dive that deep and the second dive was great as well.

Don’t just believe me check out the dive video Camberwell and the Luis

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