Saturday 3 April 2010

Far Mulberry and the Landing Craft

Well another scrubbed dive for tomorrow, the life of a UK diver is tough. The forecast as I was seeing it looked F4-5 so just border line. The dive was a Wightdiver double dive on the Far Mulberry followed by the Landing Craft. Wightdiver can work up to F5 and I have been the last diver picked up when the weather was getting to F5. You have to be rather careful to catch the platform just right. No chance if the boat had a ladder. So when Roy the skipper called I knew that was it.

So when the skipper scrubs the dive, his word is final! After all it is never in the skipper’s interest to lose out on earning some income.

This was to be two very enjoyable dives and what I had intended to make it special was that I was diving with my son Will as well as my Dive buddy Dan.

Oddly I have mixed emotions about having a scrubbed dive. I am sad that I am missing out on the dive and then the thought that I have a free day or half day.

That is all rather simplistic as I have been looking at the cold and rather bleak forecast and ‘sucking it up’ for a rather stoical dive. So I suppose there is a tinge of relief. I have been watching and experiencing the weather over the last week with the gales I was anticipating that the viz would be very poor. The sort of sub 1 metre viz, where only the ‘best of friends’ divers can keep together.

Last time I had a 0.5 m viz on the Far Mulberry it was a F3 in Dec 2008. I dived with Roland and we managed a dive time of 53 minutes around the wreck and we did not get lost!

Mind you I called off on the following dive on the Landing Craft after feeling rather rough between the dives. Roland did the dive but he and his buddy gave up after 4 mins, there was just no viz!

So all in all, I feel not that sad it was called off!

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