Wednesday 26 December 2012

Diving on the P12 & Bembridge Ledges 14th October 2012

As it turned out this was my last dive of 2013. Not the best of dives as it turned out. The P12 varies between being dark and beautifully clear.

This time is was one of those dark dives. Still a very good dive as there is so much to look around and into. This time there was a scallop bed in the adjacent gravel so a good time was had by those divers who picked up their tea!

This dive was with my son Will and was to be his deepest dive at nearly 20 metres, a very competent diver but it was still to be a challenge for him. It was the darkness, not a problem, just him keeping track of me as his buddy. I have got use to this ‘dark diving’ where you have in the corner of your eye seeing your buddy’s torch. My buddy usually has a difference torch to me and the other divers so it is noticeable by the colour of their dive torch or the flash of their fins between a positive visible check.

That way you can maximise what you can look at without losing track of your buddy, and it minimises any stress during the dive. With it being Wills first real ‘dark dive’ it was harder work for him and hence a higher air consumption. Still it was a really good dive.

The second dive which was a drift dive along the Bembridge ledges was rather poor! Very poor vis with so little life, I guess all the fish were out of sight some 2.5 Metres away. The visibility kept going down to about a 1 metre with nothing interesting to look at on the bottom. So after about 25 minutes I called off the dive. I was just getting bored.

If you wish to see the video in the YouTube website click on the link:
P12 & Bembridge Ledges drift

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