Monday 2 January 2012

Diving on the Bomber 2nd August 2011

This posting of the dive is a bit late!

I have just started to number my dives on the videos now; I guess that I have reached a respectable number of dives that I can feel smug enough to number them. This is dive number 195 since I restarted diving, which I think is pretty cool.

This is now my third dive on the Bomber and I feel that we are not getting any closer to identifying the wreck. I fact I feet that we are getting further away from naming the plane, I put that down to Julian locating a further two engines!!

So then next time I dive on the Bomber I am going to place a ‘tag’ on them and go hunting for these two other engines.

Sadly the wreck has been “trawled” so the engines and one other major part of the wreck have been moved. That means any mental map that I may have had of the wreck is now useless.

Before the dive we had our pre dive briefing by Roy the skipper this was followed up by a detailed set of photos and drawings by Julian in a planned approach to identifying the wreck.

I was specifically looking for the lights on the wing for this dive, without success I may add. We did carry out some digging at what we felt was the wingtip but that did not reveal anything apart form reducing the viz!!

This dive was a threesome with my usual dive buddy Dan plus my son Will. The visibility was not bad but the big plus was that we caught three lobsters!

Or if you would like to watch the video in Youtube then click on the following link:
 Diving on the Bomber 2nd August 2011

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